1. Close Proximity and links to its peoples
ASEAN's proximity to Australia means its countries and peoples are part of the fabric of Australian society. Nearly one million Australians claim Southeast Asian ancestry and are an asset in understanding regional cultural and business norms and forging lasting business relationships.
1. ASEAN as a bloc is Australia’s second largest trading partner.
2. ASEAN has the fastest growing middle class, providing important opportunities for Australian businesses in goods and services.
1. Select a great internship supervisor
The internship supervisor not only can be an ambassador for the host company, it can be an excellent development opportunity for a staff member to experience management. Make sure they are keen to be involved and can communicate confidently, and will ensure the intern feels welcome in the workplace.
TGS Blogs
In June we welcomed two groups of students - for the Remote Global Internship and the in-county internship in Kuala Lumpur respectively. Both groups of interns had had their Pre-departure and Orientation presentations with Internship Manager, Natasha Brand, who ushered them into their internships armed and prepared with the essential information and useful tips they’d need for the weeks to come.
Director, Jan Drew also made an appearance during Orientation to welcome the students, congratulate them and wished them well in their upcoming endeavor. Watch video below.
JMD Consulting Ltd (The Global Student registered company) was awarded the contract to manage and operate the Study Melbourne Hub in Kuala Lumpur (SMHKL) in June 2021. The Hub is one of four being developed by Global Education Victoria with its primary function being to support current Malaysian students who had returned home due to the pandemic and are unable to travel back to their Victorian institutions to complete their programs, as well as those who intends to commence their studies in Victoria but are left grounded till the travel ban is lifted.
TGS would like to send a huge shout out to the team at the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at Deakin University for their UA teaching award last week for Citizenship and Globalisation. This school has 80% of its students undertake an international mobility experience, 3 times the national average of 25%, an incredible effort.
Five weeks into their remote global internship, our group of summer interns from Swinburme, LaTrobe and University of Melbourne are no longer strangers to Malaysian remote working life, some of them even started ending their sentences with the ever-so-Malaysian ‘lah’.
TGS Stories
Learning abroad is an enabler of skills development and all graduates should be able to access co-curricular learning experiences that will help to shape their future. In this @StudyMove produced video, Chair of the IEAA Research Committee, Dr Davina Potts, discusses the results of research conducted for the Career Outcomes of Learning Abroad National Report.
CNBC’s “College Voices 2020” is a series written by CNBC fall interns from universities across the country about coming of age, getting their college education and launching their careers during these extraordinary times. Kendall Camp is a junior at Morehouse College studying communications. The series is edited by Cindy Perman.
Weeks into higher education's forced shift into a virtual mode around March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, popular and practitioner media started being flooded with predictions that the situation will permanently alter the learning landscape in colleges toward a more virtual mode. (Kim, 2020; Chronicle of Higher Education, 2020). While much attention has been given to the shift of formal classes to delivery over Zoom and similar platforms, the field of Adult Education & Human Resource Development (AEHRD) should not ignore the concurrent shift of internships to a virtual mode. Many practitioners in the field work with internships, whether in a university career services role, the talent development team of an employer, or third-party roles such as placement services and reskilling programs.
I was speaking to an acquaintance, a Baby Boomer Mother, whose son is a college junior, and her daughter is a senior about to graduate. I mentioned how important I thought it was that she helps them land an internship this summer. She shook her head in disagreement and stated she had no worries her kids would land a job right after college because they were attending well-known universities. I walked away shaking my head in disbelief, as her attitude on her kids' job search hopes is quite misplaced. In today’s current job market, unemployment in this age bracket 11.1% , plus add in those tens of thousands unrecorded 2020 grads still job hunting and you’ve got one very difficult job market.
Kuala Lumpur is a place where my heart feels as full as the Chilling Waterfalls in Selangor, with irreplaceable moments of a lifetime on exchange with The Global Student program – on the New Colombo Plan Scholarship.